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Commercial carpet cleaning Essex

There are many things to consider when thinking of having any commercial carpet cleaning done.

  • Can the commercial carpet cleaning be completed out of hours?
  • Are the solutions and products safe to use?
  • Do they supply a comprehensive written quotation?
  • Will I be given an honest opinion about spots and stains and what the restoration results will be?
  • Are the technicians fully qualified and what are they doing to keep their skills up to date?
  • Does the company have the correct level of public liability insurance?
  • Has this business affiliated itself with industry recognized companies?

All these things matter and combined they ensure that the service, delivery and end results to the client are second to none.

This shop needed to have their carpets cleaned on a very specific day and at a set time.

Commercial carpet cleaning


It had heavy traffic throughout the store and was riddled with chewing gum….the technician stopped counting at 20!  As you can see from the next photo, the carpet in front of the tills was brought up like new and all evidence of chewing gum removed.

Commercial carpet cleaning


The client was delighted with the results.  More importantly, the process we use means that the carpet is dry in hours, so there was no fear of disruption to business the following day.

The carpet cleaning industry is ‘self regulated’, so choose your tradesman carefully.  Any reputable carpet cleaning company will show evidence of training.  It’s always best to check who they are affiliated with and who they might have been audited by.


Visit our page at for details on all our services, client testimonials and much more.


The most common allergies found in the home

It’s that time of the year when a lot of people suffer with hayfever. Those horrible symptoms of an itchy, tingly nose and streaming eyes are difficult to cope with and can leave you feeling rather lousy.

Unfortunately it’s not just hayfever that people suffer with but also allergies found in the home. The most common allergies found in the home are caused from dust mites. As much as you keep your home clean and tidy, those dreaded little mites can still cause chaos! Common side affects are itchy and runny nose, sometimes a blocked nose and itchy and swollen eyes. Asthma sufferers’ symptoms could also be made worse.

Dust mites are present in all homes in the UK and are the most prevalent of all allergens, causing allergic reactions in 85% of asthmatic children. They feed off of human skin scales and are amongst all household dust. Although you cannot eradicate dust mites completely from your home, you can greatly reduce the amount of them. They are commonly found amongst carpet, upholstery and beds.

Animal allergens are the next most frequent cause of allergic reactions. The allergen that triggers allergic responses to animals is found in their saliva, skin and urine.

Hoovering regularly, using a hoover that has a good filter can help but having your carpet and upholstery and in some cases, if able to, beds professionally cleaned can help immensely. It’s been proven that professional cleaning can kill dust mites and remove the allergens caused from pets.

Found in a recent study, 1 in 11 people in the UK suffer from asthma. Amongst those figures are 1.1 million children. Environmental pollution can make asthma symptoms worse and may play a part in causing some asthma. The air quality in your home could potentially make your asthma symptoms worse. Professionally cleaned carpets and upholstery gets rid of dust, bacteria and pollution brought in from outdoors making your home a much healthier, fresh surrounding.

We can improve the air quality in your home and greatly reduce those horrible allergy symptoms all year round. Our deep cleaning process removes a high percentage of allergens and bacteria found in carpet and upholstery. The solution that we use does not contain any harsh chemicals or detergents and we leave your carpets dry in a couple of hours, rather than a couple of days. By using Blossom Clean & Dry you will get clean, faster-drying carpets and a healthier home. Stop suffering and let us help you. Call us today on 01268 772732. You will wish you got in touch sooner!

Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Offer – Valentine’s Giveaway

Valentine’s Day is approaching, and you’re feeling overwhelmed with cleaning tasks? Meanwhile, you want your home to look and feel its best to impress your loved one. Here’s where our special Valentine’s Day carpet cleaning promotion comes in!

Book a steam cleaning appointment for your carpets or a deep clean for your furniture between now and February 13th, and you’ll be automatically entered to win a romantic dinner for two at a local restaurant! Imagine enjoying a delicious meal without having to worry about dirty carpets or furniture.


Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning – Pitsea, Essex

Mountfields – Ms Smith We were very impressed with the service we received from you and the results are very, very good….the room is now sparkling with super clean carpets and upholstery!